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Definite improvement

I feel there is definitely an improvement in Islas confidence and in her ability to blend longer words. She remains happy to do easy read every day which is fantastic.

Feeling optimistic!

Last Thursday, Melina picked up a book that is 2nd grade level reading that is part of a series – and she has read through it and two more books in that series on her own. Reading comprehension is still tricky for her, I think, but she picks away at it!

Enormous delight and pride

She has started reading words in her life – such as checking if a book title on our shelves says what she thinks it says. And she has been correct in her reading. She has an enormous sense of delight and pride when these moments happen.

He is now beating me at decoding!

The past lessons have been great. I am really noticing the difference with his reading and fluency. It used to be that I was the one helping him decode the books but now he beats me on almost every word! Even the fluency in his reading of a normal book has improved,...