Jun 14, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Thank you very much for all your help. Ben is now plowing his way through, “Worlds Worst Children # 2”, having read the first one with much enthusiasm. Ironically, as he was reading about “Nit Boy”, he got nits. But was really happy and calling...
Jun 5, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Yes, Andrew is looking forward to the helicopter! We plan to end our Easyread subscription. We held a “reading party” yesterday to celebrate his “graduation” from Easyread. We had his favorite meal, and played a reading game (Apples to Apples)...
Jun 5, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Easyread has been an absolutely smashing success for our family. The trainer text has been the key to helping my son make sense of all the different sounds that English letters and letter combinations can make. The eye tracking exercises disguised as games have also...
Jun 4, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We are going to cancel our subscription to EasyRead. It is a great program and really helped Landin progress this school year. Let me know if there is something specific I need to do to cancel, or if this email will suffice. Thank you, Regards, T (at lesson...
Jun 3, 2017 | Parent Reviews
When Elana started the program in July of 2016, she was able to read short words, but couldn’t decode long but simple words. She loved stories and always enjoyed having me read to her, but constantly avoided reading herself and would only do so when strongly urged....