Nov 16, 2015 | DM News Blog
What books should you be turning to once your child starts showing an interest in wanting to read outside of the Easyread programme? Eight year-old, Sienna, thinks the Billie B Brown series are the way to go. Here’s Sienna’s review of Spooky House, A...
Jun 25, 2014 | DM News Blog
Looking for some reading material that will keep your child’s nose stuck in a book all summer? Look no further than a great book review blog written by kids, for kids! is a fun blog started by 9-year-old Erik 3 years ago to write...
Oct 1, 2013 | DM News Blog
Watching a movie with your children is another way to enhance and extend a good reading experience—and it’s just plain fun. Of course, many film adaptations don’t quite live up to their literary sources, but movies have their own charms. Watching a movie...
Sep 3, 2013 | DM News Blog
Sometimes, no matter what great books we try to coax children into reading, they just can’t get through a chapter book. Struggling readers can be overwhelmed by the length of longer reading selections, and they need materials that can be completed in one...
Jul 10, 2013 | DM News Blog
Everyone loves a good story. There is something so appealing and engaging about “Once upon a time…” or “Wait until I tell you what happened…!” The minute we know we’re going to hear a story we settle in, ready to be...