Jul 17, 2014 | DM News Blog
Have you virtually “met” Deborah at the Teach Preschool blog? Her fun space is packed with recommendations on life with preschool-aged children, from behaviour, to nutrition, to educational materials, and more. A recent post on helping preschoolers to...
Jan 16, 2013 | DM News Blog
Teasing is an unfortunately common occurrence in schools, especially Elementary and Middle Schools. Dealing with teasing is important in order to manage school emotionally, intellectually, and academically. Coping strategies for it are important, so that teasing...
Dec 5, 2012 | DM News Blog
Wouldn’t it be great to live a life in which no one ever made fun of you, pushed you around, spread nasty rumors about you, made insulting gestures, or excluded you from their group? You may be able to get your school to punish kids for bullying you, but that is not...
Nov 29, 2012 | DM News Blog
There are items in the every day diet that contribute to low attention spans, and an inability to focus. This makes it more difficult for parents and children alike to plunge into tasks that are more challenging. The three most problematic items include: 1) Sugar...
Nov 28, 2012 | DM News Blog
Physical ability continues to be researched as having a correlation with academic ability. The great outdoors is a playground for learning, developing our physical abilities and our academic skills, but what if your child is unable to climb a tree, skip, run,...