Getting better…

Hi Sarah, J is doing really well. The new spelling game makes him nervous, though. He is simply very competitive and does not liked to “lose”. Other than that I believe that his spelling is already improving. He has gotten better with many of the sight...

I am very happy.

Hi David! I am very happy with what I have done and I like it a lot.  Somedays it has been harder and it has taken me longer to sit down and do my task.  But once I did I was always happy. Thanks, G

Easyread was the best decision I made this year…

Easyread was the best decision I made this year! Having exhausted many options to try to explain why my sons reading was falling further and further behind, and for two years listening to the teachers at school saying “do not worry reading will just...

He will now try to decode the signs in Tesco's!

I’m pleased with Joseph’s progress with Easyread so far. He is gaining more confidence and will now try to decode any words he can find; whether it’s my reading books or the signs in Tesco’s! He loves the monkey game at the beginning and enjoys...

The best Christmas prezzie I ever had…

Have a Fantastic NYE and thank you for making my son see that he can read and he can enjoy a story-that’s the best Christmas prezzie I ever had! Apart from the fart machine you sent him of course, which is still making him and anyone in ear shot giggle. Thanks...