Sep 25, 2017 | DM Case Studies
1. WHAT THE PAST WAS LIKE What was reading practice and spelling like for Gabriel before Easyread? (main concerns, consistent patterns and frustrations) Before Easyread, reading practice was unproductive and often frustrating. He had met all age-related transitional...
Sep 5, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Matthew went to the behavioural Optometrist for his annual check up today. So happy to report that Matthew’s eye tracking has improved and he is now working at the level expected for his age. She thinks the exercises you asked us to do have made the difference...
Jun 17, 2016 | Parent Reviews
“Thank you so much for all your care and concern. I am so pleased we found Easyread :)) You have helped both our children with their reading difficulties. Jordan is no longer dyslexic and is a confident reader at high school and Robert has new glasses which will...
Feb 15, 2016 | Parent Reviews
“My two children have just completed Lesson 44. I’ve been very happy with Easyread. First of all, I was so impressed with your investment in us before we even made a financial investment. The 10 free lessons and your time with us via phone and email was...
Feb 2, 2016 | DM News Blog
Omega-3 fatty acids play an essential role in any healthy diet. Claimed to contribute to a healthy heart, visual and neural development in babies, lower cholesterol and blood pressure and an alleviation in symptoms caused by arthritis, Omega-3 is also said to improve...