Jun 18, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Ash has been very good about rereading after we sat down and discussed why it’s important. When he gets to hard words, he’s showing less frustration than he used to, and he’ll often repeat the hard word a number of times on his own. I’ve also...
Dec 7, 2015 | DM Case Studies
Before joining Easyread, James had tried other phonics programmes like Hooked on Phonics. However, his mother was finding that he was still guessing at words. Guessing seemed to work for James sometimes, but at other times when the words would reappear, it would seem...
Apr 1, 2015 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Before Easyread, Lydia’s struggles began early. Teachers noticed her reading difficulty right from the start in kindergarten (age 5). Her mother noticed that all of her peers were already reading, but Lydia just couldn’t grasp it. With a lot of effort she...
Feb 12, 2015 | DM Case Studies, Parent Reviews
We started 7 months ago when he had been static at school for a good 3 months with teacher – not the sharpest knife in the drawer – mystified as to the reason. Equally so was I. Within a week of starting Easyread it became incredibly obvious that this...
Sep 5, 2014 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
Before Easyread Before Easyread, Bas struggled. His parents worked hard trying to help him revise the basics, but nothing stuck. Reading became an ordeal for the whole family, and Bas was feeling worse and worse about himself. As the child of both a university...