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Easyread Empowers at Magic Johnson Center

The Easyread System is improving low literacy levels of children living in supported housing outside Washington DC, as a part of a Magic Johnson Community Empowerment Center initiative. The center, in Bladensburg (Maryland), launched a free comprehensive after-school...

The Eyes Hear for the Ears

Scientists at the University of Utah have discovered that the eyes influence what the brain hears. The scientists did an experiment with epilepsy patients where they actually measured brain activity when the subject was presented with an image and a sound at the same...

Factoid Friday: Illiteracy in the Army

Fact: Up to 40% of new recruits into the British Armed Forces have a reading age of 11 years old. The armed forces recently published details of a report into the academic levels of their personnel, in which this and other statistics were revealed. 38% fail a...

Questions About Vision Therapy?

Helping Every Child to Read recently hosted a live Q+A session with a vision therapy expert from the US, Dr Joel Warshowsky. Dr Warshowsky wrote an article about ‘the misdiagnosed child’, and then opened up the floor for questions that were submitted electronically....

Examining Your Child’s Desk in September

What will your child find on her desk when she returns to school in September? Michael Gove, education secretary, recently published guidelines for a new curriculum that aims to bring the British school system up to date. The proposals are far-reaching, covering most...