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IEP vs 504 Plan: What’s the Difference?

In the United States, if your child is falling behind the expected average in his or her schoolwork, some kind of educational plan may be drafted, approved and implemented. This may be due to a behavioral  emotional, academic or medical issue – in any of these cases,...

Dyspraxia What?!

Management of learning related difficulties can be complicated, and for parents trying to navigate the web of services that may or may not be available to their children, it can become a daunting task.  That said, one lesser known challenge that many children with...

How Do You Know if You Have Irlen Syndrome?

A whole new light I just got back from Irlen screener training and I have discovered something incredible: I see distortions when I read. The reason this is incredible is because I had no idea I had this problem. This realization has changed my world for the better!...

Is Fat the Key To Success For Your Child?

Believe it or not, fat is probably the most important element of your child’s diet. Let me explain why. First, your neurones are largely made of fat. The long, fast ones are actually wrapped in fat too, to speed the connection. Multiple Sclerosis is an auto-immune...