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Questions About Vision Therapy?

Helping Every Child to Read recently hosted a live Q+A session with a vision therapy expert from the US, Dr Joel Warshowsky. Dr Warshowsky wrote an article about ‘the misdiagnosed child’, and then opened up the floor for questions that were submitted electronically....

Building Literacy through…Vacation!

The kids are jumping up and down. The whole family is about to leave on vacation. Maybe you are flying to a famous amusement park. Perhaps you are driving several hours or days to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. You can make the trip more fun, AND educational as well,...

Games to Improve Your Child’s Short-Term Memory

“She reads a word on one page, but then has forgotten it by the next page! This makes reading a nightmare…” Short-term memory weakness is one of the eight causes of reading difficulty. It can be a tricky one to pinpoint, because many parents may believe their child...

Examining Your Child’s Desk in September

What will your child find on her desk when she returns to school in September? Michael Gove, education secretary, recently published guidelines for a new curriculum that aims to bring the British school system up to date. The proposals are far-reaching, covering most...

Developing Child Vision through Play

Sometimes it seems like the best things in life come through hard work and patience. When it comes to developing your child’s healthy vision, here’s good news: it’s easy and fun! The American Optometric Association recently put together a timeline of toys...