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We love easyread so much…

We love easyread so much, the lessons are nice and short, I dont get any tanturms doing it, the boys cant wait to see what the game selector will select, their particular favourite is fighter mission, and the new funky monkey we did today is terrific. Learning should...

How is a sore arm like a learning block?

I just found this blog post by a personal tutor, describing a revelation about the destructive effect of stress on the learning process. It sounds like it was a painful lesson to learn, but I’m sure his students are better off for...

Making books with children

I found this website earlier; it’s  run by a woman called Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord, who teaches kids to make books. There are lots of free activities on the site, as well as book recommendations, ideas and tips. A really inspiring...

Improving literacy improves quality of life.

I’ve just been reading about an initiative being run in rural Niger which uses mobile phones as a tool to aid in increasing adult literacy.   The scheme is called IMAC (Information sur les Marchés Agricoles par Cellulaire), and it allows users to access information...