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I found Easyread very very clever

I found Easyread very very clever. I needed a little help from my mum and Dad and I feel so thrilled that I am now on level 4. It has helped my reading in school. My reading age is now 9y7m. I am going skiing soon so I hope that I have level 4 finished before I go....

Great improvement

Noah is doing well with the story and also with fluency. I have seen a great improvement in his reading of his school work in the past few weeks. Motivation remains good

Rarely makes a mistake now.

I feel it is going well. Amalie is reading everything well in the programme including the story. If she fluffs a word she knows to reread as many times as it takes to read it correctly. That said she rarely makes a mistake. I can see an improvement in recognising the...

So glad we found it!

Noah still enjoys Jungle juggle. The sounding out of Easyread story is definitely getting easier. He would struggle a bit with new long words especially if there are only a few sounds but all in all he is managing well. He loves the programme and never refuses to do...