Feb 24, 2016 | DM News Blog
Our incredible secret agents have made an amazing start to the New Year, fully embracing their reading mission. Hard worker bees continued to login over the Christmas break, finally achieving their long-awaited and thoroughly deserved helicopter in January at the end...
Feb 17, 2016 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
“Ollie said to me the other night, totally unprompted, “Do you know nanny, I can really say now for the first time that I can read”. It was quite moving because it had been worrying him for so long. Thank you.” What a lovely, lovely...
Feb 15, 2016 | Parent Reviews
“My two children have just completed Lesson 44. I’ve been very happy with Easyread. First of all, I was so impressed with your investment in us before we even made a financial investment. The 10 free lessons and your time with us via phone and email was...
Nov 9, 2015 | DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
What a great month October was! Congratulations to all those Easyread secret agents who completed their reading training and, as a result, have received their helicopters. We’d love to see a photo/ video of them in action, you’ve worked so hard to get them! We wish...
Jul 8, 2015 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
1. What was reading like for Cameron before Easyread? Main concerns/reading age level/frustrations etc? Cameron is a happy, outgoing, passionate child who showed no signs of interest in listening to books, reading books, trying to figure out sounds, or caring too much...