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My daughter wants to read books on her own!

Firstly I just want to thank you as this program has been fabulous. My daughter is 6 and is now reading above grade level. It is great because she has Irlen and dyslexia and I have no doubts her success is down to this program. The reason I want to stop the program is...

Recently had some amazing news…

We have just recently had some amazing news. Holly has passed her year 1 phonic screening test. Not just passed it, but smashed it- gaining 38-40 correct. She has just been assessed generally with her reading and the teacher has said she is now at national expected...

Excited to pick up books!

Maria slowly improved with her reading until recently when she seems to have come on in leaps and bounds. She is excited to pick up books and read to me, even when we are walking home from school. Her spelling is now starting to come on too and she can spell words...