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Chase is now reading wonderfully—and enjoying it.

Our son has come leaps and bounds since starting the program. He is now reading chapter books at a 3rd grade level, his spelling is getting better, his writing is getting better and most importantly for us-there are no more tears! It has been truly amazing and we...

He picked up a book on his own accord…

Just last week he picked up a book, Wings of Fire, and read several pages. He needed help on some words, but did an excellent job. We did not prompt him to do this. He picked up the book on his own accord (out of the blue) and started reading aloud. It is a book well...

Hooray for Easyread – our lockdown saviour!

I was so pleased with her today.  Big high fives when she whizzed through it all.  I also videoed her reading tonight as she has really improved and has so much more confidence and enjoyment when reading.  Thank you so so much!  She’ll be very excited when I...

Daisy came to me and said she wanted to read to me!

Hi, just wanted to share something positive that happened today. Daisy came to me and said she wanted to read to me! She read a substantial amount of a book which has small text (with only a little help). Also when doing her lesson today she voluntarily chose to...

I just thought I’d share some news with you…

I just thought I’d share some news with you, as we seem to have turned a corner \0/ This past weekend, Tristin was writing for his own pleasure, a sight I haven’t seen since kindergarten scribbles, and it absolutely made my heart sing! He was even...