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To say we are proud is a understatement.

Thanks for that message. It is great to hear that he is making progress. He has just finished reading a ‘Hey Jack’ chapter book with minimal assistance so to say we are proud is a understatement. Looking forward to reaching that finish line.. I think HE...

He said it had helped him more than any other program…

I talked to Hudson about talking a break from easy read and he did not want to take a break. He said it had helped him more than any other program so that was great to hear from him, as I have been very quiet and just encouraging to him so that was the first time I...

His spelling is definitely improving in his writing.

QUESTION 1) In his free writing, are you seeing fewer spelling mistakes than you were before starting Easyread? ANSWER – Yes. He still makes plenty of mistakes but there has been a very big improvement. I completely understand what he is trying to write when he...