Mar 7, 2019 | Parent Reviews
We did approximately 3 months of this system while my son was falling behind at the beginning of P3. I felt by three months the principles of phonics had essentially clicked and he was decoding almost everything within reason for his language ability. I met his...
Mar 1, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I just had parent teacher conference and his teacher had his reading tests from when he started 2nd grade. He was at a kindergarten level. Right now he is almost to 3rd grade level. He was very excited to show me his progress because he knows how hard Tanner works at...
Feb 25, 2019 | Parent Reviews
QUESTION 1) Is Jack now able to read short, easy words more accurately in his normal book reading than when we started? ANSWER: Yes!! Jack is also now able to read bigger / longer words too, he is able to break them up and is showing more confidence each...
Feb 4, 2019 | Parent Reviews
We are really happy with Felix’s progress and yes he is reading words much easier in his own reading books too. In fact he really loves reading and regularly wants to take charge to read the bedtime story. – M
Jan 29, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I feel like we have suddenly had a bit of progress with reading outside of Easyread as Lennie has started to read to his sister and is seeming much more confident. The school also did some work with him on rhymes and he seems to have got that a bit better now. It does...