Dec 11, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Overall I am so proud and pleased with her and the Easyread course. Sadie is like a different child when it comes to reading and spelling. Her whole attitude and confidence has changed. Just as a marker for progression I gave Sadie the spelling test we did at the very...
Nov 15, 2017 | Parent Reviews
When we first started Easyread, I thought that I’d be getting my money back at Lesson 90. Boy, was I wrong. Before Easyread, Isaac refused to read even short words like “dog” or “cat.” The whole process had become so stressful that he ran...
Nov 2, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Casin’s conferences went great! His teacher felt he was decoding and reading up to third grade standard and that he was gaining confidence in the room and his work. His tier three reading teacher said she could see a huge difference in his reading, spelling and...
Nov 1, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Both my children have really progressed well after using Easy Read. Ayla is managing to focus better in class and keep up with the reading. Easy Read has definitely given her an advantage and this has boosted her confidence. Jayden since doing easy read, has done very...
Oct 25, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I am so grateful to have found DM Easyread. The ever-rotating games keep the learning fresh and provide instantaneous feedback for Russell. I was surprised and impressed with games like “Place Name Word Game” and “Jungle Juggle”; I...