Mar 19, 2014 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The Problem Moving from the UK to Australia at the start of 2011 had some obvious challenges for Tom in terms of adjusting to a new school, a different curriculum, and also a new country. Initially things seemed OK, despite the fact that he was clearly behind his twin...
Sep 25, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
From losing streak to winning streak: last year 10 year old Nathan was unable to decode even single words. After a few months of using The Easyread System, he is happily reading entire chapters! The Problem Nathan had always been a shy child, and so starting school...
Aug 13, 2013 | DM News Blog
Here are seven simple tips to make any trip go more smoothly: If your kids are old enough to understand, tell them about the trip…kids appreciate being told ahead of time so they know what to expect. Organize all of your travel documents and have them easily...
Aug 8, 2013 | DM News Blog
When it comes to kids who are struggling with reading, frustration and tears are not far behind cracking open a book. As a parent, it can feel a bit like looking on helplessly is the only option, or perhaps abandoning reading practice altogether. A recent article...
Jul 10, 2013 | DM News Blog
Everyone loves a good story. There is something so appealing and engaging about “Once upon a time…” or “Wait until I tell you what happened…!” The minute we know we’re going to hear a story we settle in, ready to be...