Jan 12, 2018 | DM News Blog
Blog The latest news in literacy, child development, and all things Easyread View all posts Literacy Projects Inspiring Us This Week by Lydia Cockburn || 12 January 2018 Imagine my surprise when – while browsing this week’s literacy news – I happened upon...
Dec 11, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Allison is getting so much more confident in her reading abilities. It used to be a battle every night where both of us in tears. Recently she has wanted to do additional reading on her own without us even asking her to. She just brings me books that she is so proud...
Nov 30, 2017 | DM Case Studies
1. WHAT THE PAST WAS LIKE Before Easyread, Sophie would get frustrated easily and “shut down.” She knew a lot of words by sight, which for us, meant she would forget them when she was tired. We had lots of mistakes and lots of guessing. 2. PREVIOUS INTERVENTIONS DONE...
Nov 29, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I am so thrilled with Jonah’s progress! I don’t feel it’s necessary for him to continue. When we began his Easyread lessons, he was reading at “below grade level” and now he is reading at “above grade level.” I think that...
Nov 15, 2017 | Parent Reviews
When we first started Easyread, I thought that I’d be getting my money back at Lesson 90. Boy, was I wrong. Before Easyread, Isaac refused to read even short words like “dog” or “cat.” The whole process had become so stressful that he ran...