Alex has experienced a significant improvement…

As we are six weeks into the Easyread course I thought I would drop you a line to let you know how Alex is getting on. Alex has had lots of intervention at school but has never progressed far with his reading – in March he was on the 2nd percentile and as you...

I have spent years trying to help him understand…

I have spent years trying to help him understand the concept of reading. Letters make sounds, sounds make words. Something he couldnt grasp, just reading those two words unaided was an enormous leap for Charlie. He understands the concept and we are on the first rung...

This is a marvelous development…

I had a meeting last week with James new teacher now that he has moved up to Year 3. She is so pleased with James and has confirmed that he has a reading age of a 10 to 11-year old. He is amongst the top readers in his class and in the top set for both free-reading...

At present Olivia is still enjoying easyread…

At present Olivia is still enjoying easyread. Beacause the reading lessons only have short passages it doesn’t overwhelm her and get her stressed out which is great. She does sometimes complain about doing the Monkey spelling game at the start of the lesson so...