His reading has improved hugely…

His reading has improved hugely and he is starting to take an interest in reading books on his own. It seems that his self esteem has improved as well. He is not as concerned about making mistakes and somehow it seems that his writing has improved as well. Thanks so...

I did a spelling test…

I did a spelling test – Connor could spell the words with ch, sh and th – he could identify the sounds and how to spell them at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end. I then found the hardest book on a reading scheme that we have –...

I have enjoyed the games…

I have enjoyed the games. The lessons are nice and short. The prizes have been good especially the mp3 camera and I can’t wait for the helicopter that has kept me going when I’ve been tired. The easyread has really hepled me with my reading which has...

I've notice a profound improvement…

Brandon seems to have stopped guessing and is finding sounding out the Easyread words much easier and has speeded up no end! Over the last few days I’ve notice a profound improvement with Brandon’s reading and attitude to reading with regards school. He...

I have been really pleased with the progress made…

I have been really pleased with the progress made so far, Logan happily does his lesson everyday. He does not guess any longer but has occasionally taken to reading the word and as he has always been correct I have not stopped him. I have in fact taken this as a good...