Feb 25, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Sophie is continuing to do well with her English at school now and is progressing rapidly through her reading book levels at school. We are noticing that she continues to find seeing patterns (times tables, spelling rules etc)difficult and she is getting extra support... Feb 25, 2011 | Parent Reviews
I like Easyread so much and I think Easyead is amazing because it is fun and it really helped me learn to read better. I think it is creative, because it has cool stories and I really like the games and mostly the prizes. When Easyread is over, I am really going to... Feb 24, 2011 | Parent Reviews
I think that Jess doing easy read, helped her enormously. Jess is now doing well at school and at the same levels as her peers. Thankyou, Sandra Feb 23, 2011 | Parent Reviews
After using the accelerator Anya’s reading has made a huge imporvement. She is now in year 2 and she is at the expected level for her age. – Deborah Feb 23, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Her reading has improved a great deal since she started easyread.She is now off the school reading scheme but more importantly is reading independently for pleasure.She enjoys the Jacqueline Wilson stories and Enid Blyton. She still has a slight tendency to guess...