I know Amy has been very hit and…

I know Amy has been very hit and miss with her lessons.. it is nothing to do with the lessons themselves but more a product of her now being so confident with her reading that she seems not to have the same motivation as previously plus I started a new job 3 months...

Tegan seems to be progressing really well…

Tegan seems to be progressing really well. I’ve found her daily reading improving greatly. Certainly her confidence has grown and she’s not as reluctant to engage in the reading process. I’ve found that she’s beginning to employ the decoding...

Luke is still enjoying easy read…

Luke is still enjoying easy read. he never complains about doing it. he reads books on his own every night in bed for about 30min with out complaining. I notice that he will occasionally say an incorrect word when reading in bed. he usually self corrects. the are...

Pluses: The program seems to be more…

Pluses: The program seems to be more evidence-based and theoretically driven than some others I have looked at, in other words there seem to be sound reasons for doing the activities. A lot of support is offered from the staff at easyread. Rewards keep the...