Cassius seems to be getting on really well…

Cassius seems to be getting on really well. He’s becoming very familiar with the pictures and much more confident at decoding the text. He continues to be very keen to do his lessons which is wonderful! I’m rather enjoying the process myself, knowing how...

His skill at reading and decoding is really great…

His skill at reading and decoding is really great and he is much much faster and fluid than when we first started. I do wonder whether his identified “boredom” as he puts it is because he is “getting it”. Its all beginning to make sense and hes...

New Literacy Tests for 6-year-olds

Here is an article about the new tests being introduced: We are generally in favour of this direction because it is essential that children develop a decoding and blending ability. However, the difficulty still comes when...

We LOVE Easyread!…

We LOVE Easyread! What a brilliant program! Killian has come so far already and we look forward to it each day! We had no idea what to expect or if it would work for us with our special needs issues. But your support is far beyond what we ever expected and you have...