Sep 26, 2012 | Parent Reviews
Sep 21, 2012 | Parent Reviews
We are very happy with what we have seen so far. We have seen a tremendous boost in confidence, and there is never any resistance to doing EasyRead. We have not missed one day since we began. In re-reading the text, she does well on the ones with text, but struggles...
Sep 21, 2012 | DM News Blog
Easyread founder and CEO David Morgan struggled to learn to read as a child, and 30 years later, found himself in reading time battles with his own sons, who had the same problem. “It can become quite traumatic!” says David. Around the same time, he became the acting...
Sep 19, 2012 | Parent Reviews
This system has been absolutely superb for my daughter. It’s hard to believe how and what she is reading now compared to the start of the year. She is now reading the books on the reading list for her year and was tested last week. Her speed and accuracy were 6...