A lot more confident with his school reading books…

After 6 weeks on the course Sebbie does seem a lot more confident in his reading both on Easyread as well as his school reading books. He seems to like the Easyread format and he willingly goes on it on a daily basis without much prompting. So far the program seems to...

Nutrition is Essential to Mind/Body Balance

There are items in the every day diet that contribute to low attention spans, and an inability to focus. This makes it more difficult for parents and children alike to plunge into tasks that are more challenging. The three most problematic items include: 1)      Sugar...

I was so proud I cried…

I have some very exciting news to share… I actually cried last night I was so proud of Izzy! Usually I read a bedtime story to her and because I’ve done this for near on 7 years now, I was utterly gob smacked when she told me that she was reading ME the bedtime story....

DYSPRAXIA /DCD (Developmental Co-ordination Disorder)

Physical ability continues to be researched as having a correlation with academic ability. The great outdoors is a playground for learning, developing our physical abilities and our academic skills, but what if your child is unable to climb a tree, skip, run,...


Dear David and Sarah Today I had the best feeling when I was reading. When I was in Year Two I never liked reading, and now I LOVE it!! Thankyou for helping me through everything, and I will keep going. from Joseph