Dec 19, 2012 | Parent Reviews
Cameron is still improving at school each term. His SENCO teacher is amazed at his progress and the speed at which he is catching up. His reading age at the end of year 2 was 5.5 years; 5 months later and he is at 6.25 years. He is also growing in confidence too and...
Dec 19, 2012 | Parent Reviews
I wanted to let you know that we are seeing a lot of differences in Hannah, even though she has only been doing her Easyread lessons for a few weeks. Not only is she attacking words more confidently and actually trying to read when encouraged, but other things in her...
Dec 19, 2012 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
From homework hell to ravenous reading…Psychologist and mother Shanel could not believe the transformation in her son’s reading… The early signs had been positive. Shanel was careful to ensure that reading was well and truly part of her son’s daily routine and Jaydon...
Dec 18, 2012 | DM News Blog
If you are reading this because you think you may have dyslexia, you may be feeling a little apprehensive about what it means for you. Has your child just had a diagnosis and you recognise their issues in yourself, or have you recognised your difficulties through...
Dec 18, 2012 | Parent Reviews
Oliver is making great progress and we are so pleased with Easyread. He loves the decoding aspect, which has really helped him with his normal reading. He has even taken to looking at his books at night time on his own. – T