Great progress today!…

I just had to write to tell you that Joseph had a fantastic lesson today. He didn’t struggle with the story and he then whizzed through the Mushroom Picker game without any mistakes. For the first time he was talking throughout the whole game about the words and...

There are no battles any more!…

Andre is still happy to do Easyread. We have a good routine of him reading a few pages of the book series Boyz Rule with his Dad in the morning, and then we do Easyread together. Andre is not guessing with Easyread at all because he knows he will only loose a life on...

Supporting a Child with Reading Difficulties

by Brigid Hekster, Chartered Psychologist For most parents one of the hallmarks of their child’s early success in the primary school years is a progression from reading books aimed at teaching reading to becoming a free reader.  Sometimes difficulties with literacy...