Jul 31, 2013 | DM News Blog
Alana has made great progress since starting the Easyread program. For three years, she received extra help in school, but with little improvement. Now, she is more confident and we can see at least 2 or 3 level improvement reading. She has a tendency to revert to... Jul 31, 2013 | Child Reviews, DM Case Studies, DM News Blog, Parent Reviews
The twin boys who went from reading horror to total reading happiness! The Problem Twins Daniel and James had always been similarly happy and outgoing boys. However, their struggles with reading and writing seemed to set them apart very clearly… The first time Jill... Jul 30, 2013 | DM News Blog
Ingredients: 3 pounds Observation 2 cups of Creativity 2 cups of Critical Thinking 4 containers of Questions Tools: 1 small Scoop Imagination-covered Chopping Board Medium Glass Bowl Directions: Start by measuring out a chunk of time for observation. The chunk of... Jul 29, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Just wanted to send an message regarding Nathan progress. I had a meeting at school and was told his reading in the last 6 months has improved by 1 year and 3 months, which is fantastic! – C Jul 29, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Nikhil is doing very well and I am happy with his progress. I think he’s learning each day and improving his reading. I am very happy with Easyread. I just feel it helps the kids so much in a fun way to decode and understand that some letters make different...