Jul 23, 2013 | DM News Blog
“She reads a word on one page, but then has forgotten it by the next page! This makes reading a nightmare…” Short-term memory weakness is one of the eight causes of reading difficulty. It can be a tricky one to pinpoint, because many parents may believe their child...
Jul 23, 2013 | Child Reviews
Dear David and team I think my reading,writing and spelling have improved and I am fealing much happier then before. thank you Agent O
Jul 22, 2013 | Parent Reviews
We’ve just received two excellent school reports for both Ryan & Allen! Ryan’s teachers said that his attitude and confidence in class improved markedly from late spring (the time that he started Easyread) and that his reading and writing (including...
Jul 22, 2013 | Parent Reviews
I just wanted to say how happy we are. Luca’s confidence has really grown since he started the Easyread system this year. When Luca started the course his reading wasn’t too bad, but he was really struggling with independent writing at school. He has made...
Jul 19, 2013 | DM News Blog
Princess Beatrice is the fifth grandchild of the Queen of England, daughter of the Queen’s son Prince Andrew and his former wife Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. She has recently been named royal patron of the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre, which she said hugely helped...