Sep 13, 2013 | DM News Blog
Jerry Hall, the former wife of Rolling Stones legend Mick Jagger, has publicly acknowledged the fact that she and all four of her children have dyslexia. Hall and Jagger have four children, Elizabeth, James, Georgia May and Gabriel, all of whom have received help for...
Sep 13, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Stefan has got into the routine of doing Easyread in the morning before school. He follows the instruction given to him and he is reading and decoding well (as confirmed during the last guided lesson session with Laura). Reading has never been Stefan’s problem...
Sep 13, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Koutaro has really improved in his reading during the last 12 months and I am so pleased. He got ‘AT’ for his year 1 report and this is a significant improvement. A big thank you to Easyread! – T
Sep 12, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Dear David and team, Just to let you know Joseph’s school report was very good and it said he was above average for his spelling and reading! He had a break over the summer but we’re getting back into it again. He isn’t as enthusiastic as before but...
Sep 12, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Catelin has been doing increasingly well. She went up to just under age appropriate reading level by the end of the last school year, which is a huge improvement! (She was previously reading at a Yr 1 entry level at beginning of Yr 3). She is sometimes still reluctant...