Apr 29, 2014 | Parent Reviews
He really is reading better and I am so excited to see if there would be anything to make it less tiring! Thank you so much for directing me to this sort of doctor! I told her you were able to detect that he may have issues with his eyes, and she said... Apr 29, 2014 | DM News Blog
Hi Sarah, Things are going very well with the eye tracking. He is doing them at school and his teacher is also reminding him to do them before they read and before a test. His counselor gave him an extra exercise that includes eye tracking and breathing to help with... Apr 29, 2014 | DM News Blog
About a third of the children we help have visual function weaknesses that hold them back. Even after we have fixed poor phonemic skills, issues like eye-tracking or convergence can prevent them from reaching their full reading potential. We often prescribe a 10-day... Apr 29, 2014 | Parent Reviews, Teacher Reviews
hi David B completed lesson 223 today, he was very pleased and proud of his achievement. He is our first pupil to finish easyread and for B has been a great positive experience. With Thanks Teachers at Kirtlington Primary Apr 28, 2014 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Hi David, Agent Q wanted me to write to say that last night before going to sleep (really late!) she read: Abu Ali: Three Tales of the Middle East The Little Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings Up Goes Mr. Downs One of the stories from her book: Ursula’s Umbrella Pig...