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Great news from Westfield Junior

I have been assisting children to read using ER for quite sometime now and have found it to be a great program which the kids LOVE! – Filly Cox, from Westfield Junior School

Update from St Lawrence Primary

I just thought I’d drop you a line to say how much Evan is enjoying Alice in Wonderland.  It is one of his favourite stories and he seems very excited each time we read it.  This does mean he is clapping a lot!  He doesn’t react well to being timed so the...

Reading and writing independently!

F is coming to the end of his last year at our school. He is currently involved in the end of year play and other year 6 activities so hasn’t been able to do Easyread lately. We are so pleased with F’s progress, Easyread has been such a great program for...

Results are very encouraging!

Today we have re-tested some of the children who have been on the Easyread trial and the results are very encouraging. The class teacher is very pleased with the way it seems to be impacting on the children’s writing and spelling as well as reading and also in some...

Massive decoding improvement

I have another student E who has responded very well to EasyRead. She has made massive improvement with her decoding and is positive towards the lessons. She is reading the EasyRead text fluently at the moment and completes the scramble text page with little support....

Such fabulous stuff!

Hello all, Just wanted to share some lovely Easyread news with you-Steven told me today in our session completely out of the blue that ER has really helped him with his English and that he was able to plan his English assessment and felt confident to do so. Saud said...

The school has used the programme with children who…

The school has used the programme with children who have dyslexic tendencies since 2011. We have had great success with Easyread.All the children who have completed the programme have made progress …some outstanding! All the children have grown in confidence and...