Famous Dyslexics: From the ancient past…

Because the term ‘dyslexia‘ didn’t surface until the late 1800s – and even then didn’t catch hold until recent decades – it is possible that a huge number of iconic figures from our past struggled with it unknowingly. One article...

She read adult engineering text!

Today, she sat on my lap for a minute. I was writing a report. She actually read this text below fairly well – sounding out words she did not know!!!! Not bad. 🙂 The required finished water quality after reuse treatment will depend on the goals for reuse at that...

Great decrease in guessing!

We are very happy with Easyread and the success so far with Hayden. We have notice a great decrease in his guessing and an improvement with his reading and confidence. He enjoys the program greatly. We found the program while researching on the internet problems with...