We would recommend this program to any parent

We have found the program has been a significant help to Jasper. At the beginning of this he struggled to read even a little and we have seen a big improvement in his reading ability and confidence. We would recommend this this program to any parent who is looking for...

Happily reading books on her own!

We have decided not to renew Elise’s subscription for Easyread this month. It is wonderful to report that the reason for this decision is that she is happily reading books on her own, and would rather spend her spare time reading than doing Easyread lessons!...

Changed her life and prospects

I think the last 48 lessons have been really good. They have been fun and I have seen definite progress in Flintie’s ability. Flintie has been making improvements in her reading, and it seems to be noticeable every day! We are so pleased and want to thank you so...