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A resounding success.

I believe that we are now in a position to stop our EasyRead subscription. Since the last checkup, I confirmed that F has turned a corner with his decoding, and is much more comfortable with reading generally, this has just got better since as well and has clearly...

I write this with tears in my eyes…

Chelsea had an huge achievement last week. When she started easy read she was on level 7 (pm readers) she slowly climbed to 10 and then to 11. In the last week Chelsea has been graded a 15 ! You should have seen her smile. She achieved all she was expected to achieve...

She looked up at me and said: “I guess I CAN read.”

I wanted to share with you all that Lily has been saying for some time that she can’t read, even as she’s been learning how to. This morning, after our lesson, I handed her one of her books and asked her to read a story to me. At first, she just wanted to read one...

I am so thankful to have been part of this program.

We are indeed thrilled with R’s progress. His reading is more confident and smooth, and his misspellings are much more reasonable and expected. “Who” (previously known to him as “hoow”) and other sight words always used to be sounded out...