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We have really enjoyed it and found it…

We have really enjoyed it and found it very useful – it is motivating and got across the mechanics of reading v clearly without feeling patronizing. We found books in the library that were interesting and not too childish (which is often a problem if your...

My son is suspected dyslexic…

My son is suspected dyslexic and began falling behind with his reading in Year 2. As he entered Year 3 he was at least a year behind his peers and was losing confidence, finding classwork more and more challenging and becoming a very reluctant reader. I am so pleased...

Easyread has been a blessing.

Easyread has been a blessing. The encouragement has been really wonderful to Abigail. What a difference a year makes. She is more confident in reading and writing. Having a routine with lessons that are fun, yet challenging, is great! The time frame of each lesson is...