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We are definitely moving in the right direction…

William’s decoding does seem to be quicker and there is now less guessing. He has also stopped using the extra line background as part of the screen. We were proud to hear he achieved a level 5A in his recent English test (using point evidence and explanation...

Izzie's amazing progress

Well, we’ve just our termly school meeting to discuss Izzie’s progress and on the reading front they are amazed at her progress. They had her reading age assessed in January which came out as below 4yrs and they assessed it again two days ago and she is...

Slowly but surely…

Some days Connor is brilliant and other days he struggles. However, the days he struggles are slowly but surely, becoming less and less, which is wonderful! – K

Making Your Child Feel Bad

Here is a nice little reminder of the things it is so easy to do, without meaning to really do harm: The brutal reality is that children do feel constantly judged and compared, even if you do everything perfectly. Middle children in particular tend...

The difference is amazing…

Things are going well with Easyread so far. Short words Sam still guesses sometimes but nowhere near the amount she used to. Her general reading has improved hugely, but as a lot of your testimonials say, it happened so gradually and subtly that we didn’t notice...