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I only wish I had found you years ago…

I am very impressed by the program to date. I have seen a significant improvement in Thomas’s reading already, as has his teacher. This program is the last thing I was prepared to try, as we have spent A LOT of money on various expert assessments which left all...

Factoid Fridays

Happy Friday! In England, a long bank holiday weekend is upon us. Let’s wish the rain away and be happy that it’s May… Did you know:  There are two words in the English language that use all of the vowels, in the correct order, and end in the letter...

Dear David…

Dear David, I thought, along the way, that Easyread was really good and I’ve had lots of fun doing Easyread everyday. What I liked about it were the games and the stories. I think it has helped me really improve my reading and I am now reading the third Harry...

Course feedback from learner Oliver

I have really enjoyed the course and I think it has done a lot of good. I also think it has been very helpful especially with my writing level. At the start of this course I was a level 3b and now I am a 4a. My spelling has literally doubled in level, maybe even...

Do your kids believe that ‘practice makes perfect’?

I view David Beckham as one of the greatest gifts to all parents.  Here is why: 1                     I defy anyone not to like him 2                     He has undeniable brilliance 3                     It is clear he has achieved that through practice You don’t...