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Rosie is enjoying her Easyread lessons…

Rosie is enjoying her Easyread lessons. She works mostly independently on the Funky Monkey game and has got quite fast.The pictures that support the letters and sounds work very well for Rosie, both in her Easyread lesson and with her homework.We have printed some...

Lilys progress has been amazing…

Lilys progress has been amazing, she was struggling at school and I was called in on several occasions. Lily couldn’t remember her sounds or letters. The SENCO was and has been very supportive, and after each visit she would send me home with several things for...

We are so pleased with Easyread…

We are so pleased with Easyread; Anna’s reading & spelling has improved a huge amount in the last 6 months. We feel sure that Easyread has been instrumental in helping Anna by teaching her to sound out words & not to panic about it. Thanks to all at...

I am just pleased we found you…

Thank you very much for Isabelle’s latest prize. She loves the radio and was really pleased to receive it. Her reading is coming on really well and she even wants to practice reading her school books to me now without us having to battle over it. I am just...

We have really high hopes…

Having watched Isi read over the last 40 odd lessons I can honestly say she has become a lot more fluent. She still gets stuck on some of the phonics but a quick check of the Easyread character soon puts her right. She doesn’t seem to be guessing words anymore...