Jun 10, 2019 | DM Case Studies
Case Studies View All Case Studies Fia: She now reads in bed on her own. The Backstory Firstly the difference in Fia’s reading from when she started Easyread last summer is amazing. She struggled breaking words down and guessed them and she read in a very broken...
Jun 7, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Unprompted, Harriet has started reading to herself in the evening before bedtime (something that she would never previously have done, even with encouragement) and wakes up on the morning excited by what she’s read the night before, and keen to tell us all...
May 28, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Thanks for that message. It is great to hear that he is making progress. He has just finished reading a ‘Hey Jack’ chapter book with minimal assistance so to say we are proud is a understatement. Looking forward to reaching that finish line.. I think HE...
May 28, 2019 | Parent Reviews
We are closing in on the finish, and Gabriel has become focussed on the end and much more into reading and not so much the games. This, I think is only because of time, he finishes school late so often we do Easyread later than we would like to. Anyway, I thought that...
Apr 29, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Kallie has really benefited from using Easyread such that she now WANTS to read and has started reading by herself whenever she can. This is a huge improvement from where she was when we started. We would like to thank you for your support and will definitely...