Jul 17, 2019 | Parent Reviews
He is much more open to learning if it is fun! He loved the spy glasses btw and said he got them from his “games that he loves” which is your programme =) – K
Jul 17, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Her teacher has reported that she is using more complex language, and although her spelling is still interesting at times, she is making more attempts to edit her work and is recognizing misspelt words. Her reading fluency is much improved and decoding is becoming...
Jul 12, 2019 | Parent Reviews
The support given by Easy Read via training and over the phone is really helpful. This program has changed reading into an enjoyable process for both Molly and and I and we know if we have any questions or problems, there is someone right there to guide us. Thank-you,...
Jul 11, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Seeing his level of engagement and enjoyment. No problem doing his short lesson. He seems proud of how he is getting on. I love to hear him sounding out his words. He would never have done this before for me.
Jul 10, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Ewan has made incredible progress since starting this system not just in his reading but in school life in general. He went from being the disruptive boy in class to class star. He’s general reading has also improved even just in the sense of never wanting to...
Jul 3, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Dear Sarah and team, I am writing to request our time with easy read ends. Following the arrival of the helicopters (which is excellent and enjoyed by all in our family) James has been reluctant to continue with the lessons. I think for him the helicopters marked the...
Jul 3, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Amelie completed her last lesson today and I would like to give approval for her to receive the helicopter. Both Rick and I are thrilled with Amelie’s progress on Easyread. She now chooses to read for fun which is certainly a huge difference from the little girl...
Jul 3, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Monty would love to continue Easyread so we’ll keep going, at least until the end of the year. Its been wonderful to see him come so far, so fast. From a little boy who struggled with phonics, which seems to be the exclusive method for australian literacy...
Jul 2, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I just wanted to say that my husband and I cannot believe the progress that Molly has made in just a short time. Today Molly sat and read a 110 page chapter book cover to cover in about 3 hours. Reading quite a lot of it out loud with great fluency and next to no...
Jul 1, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I spoke to Ryan’s teacher today and she mentioned that she has noticed a remarkable improvement in Ryan’s reading and decoding. She wants me to get her more information on the program you have for schools so that she can know how to help other children in...
Jul 1, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Thank you so much for designing such a great system, it was the only thing we tried that didn’t leave Lacey stressed out, and feeling defeated. She has come on so much and I have no doubts that is down to this system. As a home educator I speak to lots of other...
Jun 25, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Thank you very very much for helping my daughter, Taara, become a better reader. The teacher at her school has indicated that next year she will be in line with her grade level and in fact, put into a slightly tougher reading class. She has a lot more to read now...
Jun 24, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Q – What have you liked best about the system so far? A – Molly’s eagerness to do the lessons everyday. She is 10 so I was concerned she might think it was to babyish or that it would feel like more homework, but she loves it and asks to do it. I am...
Jun 17, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Charlie is getting on really well with his reading now. He read bits from the back of the Cheerio box for fun at breakfast the other day and has started to try to read things like signs when we are out and about! He read something on the telly the other day and said...
Jun 7, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Unprompted, Harriet has started reading to herself in the evening before bedtime (something that she would never previously have done, even with encouragement) and wakes up on the morning excited by what she’s read the night before, and keen to tell us all...
May 29, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Sam’s prize of the spy glasses arrived yesterday and he absolutely loves them. Perfect timing as he and his sister and his friends have been playing spies lately. Sam asked me to send a message to you to say thank you for his prize as he loved receiving it so...
May 28, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Thanks for that message. It is great to hear that he is making progress. He has just finished reading a ‘Hey Jack’ chapter book with minimal assistance so to say we are proud is a understatement. Looking forward to reaching that finish line.. I think HE...
May 28, 2019 | Parent Reviews
We are closing in on the finish, and Gabriel has become focussed on the end and much more into reading and not so much the games. This, I think is only because of time, he finishes school late so often we do Easyread later than we would like to. Anyway, I thought that...
May 23, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I forgot to mention in the last message that Will is really enjoying the Easyread system and he just informed me that he has even drawn on the trainer text knowledge at school to help with his spelling! I can already see the confidence growing within him each day when...
May 16, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I didn’t anticipate how helpful the pictures for the sounds would actually be. Continually saying “sound it out” when the letter sound combinations can be so different and complex was frustrating for her and me! Now, if she gets stuck on a word I can...