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This has been the best program!

Things have been going really well. He is just taking off! He keeps surprising me with what he can read now. We just bought a couple of the chapter books off the recommended list from one of the blog posts and he is reading that to me on the side. I’m sure he...

Clear spelling progress at lesson 164

“I am really seeing an improvement in Lou’s spelling in her school books. She is becoming much faster at writing on the computer too. I think we are experiencing a period of steadier progress which is wonderful.” Way to go Louise (11)!  We’d...

we're extremely happy with Jonathan's progress

Jonathan has come on amazingly in his reading at school – in part due to all the lessons we did through Easyread. You will have noticed that he has not done many Easyread lessons recently. As he has gained so much confidence in his reading we feel it is a good...

Truly come a long way

He has truly come a long way and likes the programs. His teacher is very happy with his progress at school. She told me that she visited your website because of Chase’s progress!

He is reading for pleasure!

Hey there! We are doing so well with his reading outside of the program! He is picking up books and reading for pleasure! We are so grateful, and recommend you to all of our friends and family.
Breakthrough Readers of August

Breakthrough Readers of August

DM News Blog Latest news in literacy, child development, and all things DM Ed Get a 10-Lesson Easyread TrialRead Our Backstory...Archives August 2024 October 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August...

Easyread picked up on convergence visual issues!

I am writing to let you know some important updates that I thought you would like to know. At Nicole’s annual eye exam in August, I mentioned, again, about her difficulty with reading etc. The Dr. has always checked her for it and there had been no issues that...

Easyread has certainly been a success for Amelia!

“We have really noticed a difference in Amelia’s reading and spelling. She is more confident now and reads with greater speed and accuracy. She still needs to slow down with her spelling, but it is much better now and she can spot her own errors. So big thanks...

Easyread is a miracle!

I am really pleased with the Easyread program. We are at lesson 50 and my son still has fun with the lessons and looks forward to completing them. He has gone from frustrated and crying through almost any reading session to being eager to read and saying things like...

Jacob is amazing and reading!

“Just as I had predicted, Easyread helped Jacob to become an excellent reader. I think at this point, we will no longer use Oxford Learning Solutions, simply because-Jacob is amazing and reading! Seriously, crushing it-thanks to Easyread. He just finished...

Great for an incredibly visual learner

Frankie is an incredibly visual learner and this method gives her a fun and tangible image to associate with each sound. She likes that and it is working very well. Frankie very much looks forward to her time doing Easyread. She finds the lessons enjoyable, fun, and...

Seeing attitude changes in first 10 days…

The initial words and work seemed almost too easy to me in the beginning. However, I understand the point to it in building confidence. Charlie’s attitude towards reading is beginning to change and this has made me the happiest in the initial trial. All we have...

I am close to tears (of joy, of course)…

“Thanks Maddie. Sasha is really excited about the fact that she is almost finished. She’s really been enjoying the lessons and I am close to tears (of joy, of course) when I see her decoding big complicated words. It’s phenomenal.” A happy...