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The latest news in literacy, child development, and all things Easyread
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Easyread Year Review: What’s Been Achieved In 2018 And What’s To Come

by Lydia Cockburn || 21 December 2018

2018 been a great year for us, our parents, our teachers and above all the children on the Easyread System.

With a growing team, record numbers of children learning to read with our system, and exciting new projects in the pipeline, there is plenty for us to be proud of as we reflect on the past year.

Plus, a lot of what we’ve done is going to lead to exciting opportunities for parents and teachers in 2019.

More and more children learning to read

This has been the second year running when we have doubled our intake of Easyread users, reducing the number of children getting into difficulty during the process. Over 2000 children have been learning to read with our system this year, and we hope to continue reaching more and more struggling readers.

Happy parents, teachers and children

But it’s not just about the amount of children learning to read. That is worthless if those users are not actually happy with the progress they are achieving.

This year, only 4 of the 2000+ users have asked for a refund (declining our offer to work through the problem with them).

That means that our team collaboration with the other 99.8% of parents and teachers has led to successful outcomes.

Congratulations again to all the home and school teams involved!

Photo Competition

In August, we ran a photo competition on social media. Parents on the Easyread system submitted some brilliant photos of their children using Easyread! Check those out here.

Our first ever Facebook Live event

We really love engaging with the children and parents on the Easyread system, so we decided to do a live Q&A video with our founder David. You can watch that on our Facebook page or on Youtube.

We published our first book!

We’ve launched our new book, The 9 Main Causes of Reading Difficulty, which is available to buy on Amazon UK and Amazon USA. David and Sarah have poured in their expertise and created a truly fascinating read on why certain children struggle with reading – and how to get them on track. Essential for any family or school trying to get a better understanding of literacy!

New website with free resources

We have also been working on compiling some new resources outside of the Easyread course which we can make available for free, so that the trainertext method reaches more and more children. It will also be a place for parents and teachers to learn more about literacy in general.

Watch out for more news on that over the coming weeks…!

Trainertext card set

Over the last few weeks some of our new users have received trainertext cards from us. These can be used to play games and help children get decoding. We are reviewing the response to them and hope to make them publicly available next year! 

System update and new program in development

Our IT teams in Oxford, Manila and in London are hard at work building an update to the Easyread system and a new system for younger children. We are really excited to get them out there!

Easyread office life

Our team is growing and becoming more dispersed, with members of the team in London, Manila, Texas, Alabama and in Trinidad. But we still have our main base here in Oxford.

We often have lunch together from the local market and chat with our colleagues over Skype as they have their morning coffee across the pond.

We still send out prizes to the children from our Oxford office, so some of the space is used for storing spy gadgets!

You can see how that works in our Christmas video below!

Happy Holidays everyone 🙂


Lydia Cockburn studied French and Linguistics at Oxford University. She spends her days supporting Easyread families from the Oxford Easyread headquarters. When not helping kids reach their reading goals, she can be found playing music or football!







