This dyslexia poem written by a 10-year-old will amaze you
by Sarah Forrest || 6 Mar 2019
A poem penned by a 10-year-old and shared to Twitter by his teacher last week has been seen by hundreds of thousands of people. And you need to be one of them!
The class was studying poems that could be read forwards and backwards… much like the way dyslexics often flip words (was/saw, on/no). This brilliant young person tied it all together through a simple poem with an empowering dyslexics.
If you parent a struggling reader, grab them and read it to them right away!

Sarah Forrest is a Program Advisor for David Morgan Education and contributor at She joined DM Ed in Oxford, England after studying Spanish lit at Yale University. She now lives in the sunny south of the United States with her two children, where she coaches parents and children through trainertext visual phonics.