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Certainly his reading decoding and length of words he tackles is steadily improving, and his decoding of the symbols is now faster than me for the shorter words.

The school have noticed an improvement in his literacy, and his recent report was much more encouraging. His new class teacher has been much more empathetic towards his dyslexic difficulties.

With his spellings – they can be pretty “original”, but I think there is definitely an improvement. He’ll sometimes get all the letters in not quite the right order, but you can see he’s remembered or decoded that they are in the word, but I don’t know if he is going by its sound or visualising it.

School says his storytelling, language, use of longer words and punctuation is much better over the last months. He is still getting some support from TA to get his ideas on paper. (He is doing well in art and PE.)

He is much happier in himself.

His own main worry at the moment is the year 6 SATs, which he knows will determine the sets he’ll be put in when he goes to secondary school in September, and that is upsetting him as he thinks he will not be able to be in class with his friends.

The best thing that’s happened is that he is now much more able to read the questions on his homework and practice SATs by himself, which was impossible for him 6 months ago.

I am just telling him how well he is progressing and that he has come on leaps and bounds, and not to worry about the SATs.

Things seem to be going well.

I am feeling much more hopeful than before Easyread – feel like a weight is lifting off our shoulders – it starts to looks like he may eventually be able to read normally which will be so brilliant.

School say his focus is still low, but that he is trying much better, which is a very positive progress from his being depressed in his year 4-5.

I think the lack of focus is often his auditory processing difficulties affecting him as he’s a well-meaning child. We have to repeat instructions to him quite often to ensure he’s been able to register what’s wanted from him.