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Whilst we’ve been on holiday we’ve been doing lots of reading with Henry and I would say he is reading successfully now. He’s slow, but methodical and when he comes across a word he doesn’t know he works it out – even words I would consider too difficult. He does need a little help now and again, but generally he is reading independently. He has started reading Fluff the Farting Fish by Michael Rosen to me and he is reading it well, albeit slowly.

I feel Easyread has achieved its goal – Henry can now read. Before Easyread, Henry was reading his school books fine but beyond that he struggled. Easyread has turned him around and I’m astonished. My husband and I are so happy to hear him read – he reads everything around him without prompting – and we are delightfully amazed by it too. He is constantly sounding out words. And I am absolutely certain he will be a good speller because of Easyread.