Parent Reviews of Easyread
Our most recent reviews:
She is asking to read on her own…
Her fluency has improved, but more importantly she is asking to read on her own after we read together at night. She has a special light and loves the freedom of independent reading, which is such a blessing. It used to be thought of as a punishment when I would ask her to read for a bit on her own. Yay! progress.
I just wanted to say thanks for this program and your support
Rayan is now one of the strongest readers in his class
Thank you for all your help. Rayan is now one of the strongest readers in his class and had started reading on his own after reading with us every evening!
– K
Her teacher can not believe how quickly she has progressed in school.
QUESTION 1) Is Sophie now able to read short, easy words more accurately in her normal book reading than when we started?
ANSWER: Yes, there is a massive difference. Her teacher can not believe how quickly she has progressed in school.
– A
We finished out first chapter book last night
Yes he is able to read his normal book reading with much more accuracy. We actually finished out first chapter book last night. Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise we read page for page I read one then he read one. When we finished he said mommy I love to read!!!
– A
Emmett has made tremendous progress, thanks to the program…
Emmett has made tremendous progress, thanks to the program, and we are so grateful to have discovered Easyread. He’s doing quite a bit of reading through his day school, and we would like to see how this new focus goes in the coming weeks.
Our huge, sincere thanks to David and all the wonderful support staff at Easyread for making this such a valuable and memorable journey for us!
– L
Provides a lot of comfort for worried parents…
QUESTION 3) What have you liked best about the system so far?
1. the nice and gently game approach
2. explaining and understanding why some children find it harder to read, your explanation provides a lot of comfort for worried parents. I could really recognise my child in it all
3. The pricing structure is right and not unobtainable
We had a big boost this week at Sam’s parents evening…
Now testing at grade level…
We just had parent teacher conferences and I talked with his reading support teacher. Riley, who was testing a year behind in reading is now testing at grade level for reading and vocab recognition. This is awesome! Thank you Easyread! As he continues with your program, I can not wait to see how far he comes. Thank you so much.
– J
We had his parents evening this week and the teacher feedback was amazing…
The little gifts that you send are REALLY motivating
1. The system is fun and engaging
2. I love that it is only 15 min long, this is a tangible goal that keeps Emery engaged and we can make a commitment to, given the fact that we also have to do homework in his school in addition to this system, as well as do work for his orthopedagogue, which is a specialist who works with him as well.
3. The little gifts that you send are REALLY motivating for Emery. He is hooked on the idea of becoming a secret agent, and these little gifts really go a long way.
– A
Without easyread I’m positive she would not be at the point she is today…
Yes we are very pleased with the way in which she has progressed and the confidence she has gained- she is a different reader and even volunteers in class. Without easyread I’m positive she would not be at the point she is today so I’m so glad we made the investment.We would like to continue with the program to reinforce the skills she has gained and work on her spelling.
We have also noticed him reading cereal packets and road signs etc.
Just wanted to say thank you as we have started to notice that Rafes reading is improving.
We have also noticed him reading cereal packets and road signs etc..which would have previously been unheard of!!..So Happy……
We can’t thank you enough
Cleo’s reading has really improved and she is now a fluent reader.
We can’t thank you enough, it’s made such a huge difference to her.
– R
We can’t thank you enough…
I’m so glad I found you.
Ava has come so far with this program. I feel she is a a point where we can go forward on our own with confidence.
Ava has great support at her school and with the tools she has learnt from Easyread, the journey is brighter.
Thank you for the brilliant program. Thank you for the ongoing support over the last 6 months, its been amazing.
I’m so glad I found you.
– J
Rhys has made amazing progress…
Thank you so much for this programme, Rhys has made amazing progress and has gone from not being able to read short sentences to reading whole books. He is currently enjoying reading Harry Potter and the half blood prince on his kindle, which we have been able to colour the background and use a much larger easier to read font. He is really pleased to be able to read similar books to his peers.
– J
I love how it progresses with Ryan…
QUESTION 2) Could you tell us a few things that you have liked about the course so far?
1. it is fun and Ryan enjoys the lessons
2. it is easy to be consistent, the length of the lessons are not too long
3. we have seen remarkable results – I love how it progresses with Ryan, moving through reading, spelling and some writing
– A
Easyread has been a Godsend and a delight!
We have so enjoyed our “computer work” (as we call it)! Easyread has been a Godsend and a delight! We have been so impressed by the system and all of the things that it covers!Fiona is excelling and we would like for this month to be her last in the program and need to make sure that we aren’t charged again in November.
Thank you some much for EVERYTHING! We have a reader!!!
– J
This a brilliant way to teach reading…
We spent 6 months in lockdown and in that time my son has learned how to read…
I thank you once again for the wonderful program.
I thank you once again for the wonderful program. it really saved both our lives and has resulted in a kid that loves to read! Hannah has made so much progress and I really attribute a lot of her new joy for books to your team.
– M
We are just in awe…
Tonight Ben had a big pop in fluency and we are soooo grateful. After his lesson he wanted to do some more so I used the trainer text where I input a sentence and we had a blast with it. He read every sentence with minimal errors. There were big words in there and we are just in awe. Thank you so much for what you do. I look forward to seeing how he progresses.
– M
It has made a MASSIVE difference…
We have been EasyRead-ing for 16 months and it has made a MASSIVE difference to Merry’s reading and confidence. It has been fun and particularly having non-fiction books available at a level that Merry can access has been so helpful.
I have mentioned EasyRead to Merry’s school too, in the hope that they might look into it for other children at the school.
We are now reading books so EasyRead has definitely done its job!
Thank you again.
I cannot believe how effective this program has been.
She is really enjoying reading now and doing so well – even reading chapter books on her own. I cannot believe how effective this program has been. I’m so very happy and so is she. We aren’t always able to remember to do the lesson each day, but even with some irregularity, it’s been really impressive to see this program working!
Thank you.