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The last year has been quite a journey for us. We began the year with a boy who had tummy aches every day before school, his self-esteem was on the floor and school was a real struggle. After 2 weeks of Easyread they disappeared and have not returned.

We as parents have been impressed with the gradual build up of decoding skills, making it a seemless process. The continual promise of codewords and prizes really kept him going and the whole ‘spy’ training was something that Arthur (and his friends!) really bought in to. You hit the nail on the head for little boys and what goes on in their imaginations..! The prizes bought him a lot of street-cred at school and only served to build his confidence further.

So now Arthur can read: he walks taller and can fully access the curriculum at school. A year ago his teacher said, rather too candidly, that she felt she was simply shouting it louder and getting nowhere. She felt he needed something different but didn’t know what. I was deeply concerned by her honesty and decided to address the problem myself – I could not stand by and watch my bright, creative, funny boy fail. I am so glad I found Easyread. From reading the testimonials and watching your videos I realises that it was a ‘proper’ scheme and, although it represented an investment by us as a family, it was definitely worth every penny.

I recommend Easyread to everyone. I am stunned they don’t do it at my children’s school. Every school should teach children to read like this, then children like Arthur would never feel the failure he experienced and be saved from the dreadful sinking of confidence and happiness. It really works!

Thank you to you and Sarah for all your support.

With kind regards